What Does CLC Stand for Unions? (Central Labor Council Roles & Functions)


A CLC, often stands for Central Labor Council, is a vital organization within the labor movement. In this blog post, we will dive into the definition and significance of a central labor council, exploring its role in advancing workers’ rights, fostering solidarity, and coordinating labor-related activities within a specific geographic area.

What is a Central Labor Council?

A CLC is an umbrella organization that represents and coordinates the efforts of multiple local labor unions within a particular region, city, or state. It acts as a unifying body that brings together diverse unions, enabling them to collectively collaborate, strategize, and pursue common goals. A CLC is typically governed by a board of representatives from affiliated unions, with officers elected to lead and guide its activities.

Central Labor Council

Central Labor Council Roles & Functions

Advancing Workers’ Rights and Interests

One of the primary functions of a CLC is to advocate for workers’ rights and interests. It serves as a unified voice for unions on critical labor-related issues, such as fair wages, safe working conditions, healthcare, and social security. By coordinating efforts, sharing resources, and leveraging collective bargaining power, a central labor council strengthens the impact of labor unions in influencing policies, legislation, and public opinion.

Fostering Solidarity and Collaboration

A central labor council fosters solidarity and collaboration among unions operating within its jurisdiction. It provides a platform for unions to exchange ideas, share best practices, and address common challenges. Facilitating communication and cooperation strengthens the collective power of affiliated unions, enabling them to amplify their voices and achieve greater impact in negotiations with employers and advocacy efforts.

central labor council

Coordinating Labor-Related Activities

Another essential function of a central labor council is to coordinate various labor-related activities within its jurisdiction. This includes organizing rallies, protests, and community engagement initiatives to raise awareness about workers’ rights and promote social and economic justice. Moreover, a CLC may also be involved in voter education and mobilization campaigns to support worker-friendly candidates and advance pro-labor policies.

Resource and Education Hub

A CLC serves as a resource hub, providing support and resources to affiliated unions and their members. It may offer training programs, workshops, or seminars on labor laws, organizing strategies, and advocacy techniques. Additionally, a CLC may establish partnerships with community organizations, educational institutions, and non-profit entities to create further opportunities for education, skill development, and networking.

central labor council

Local Central Labor Council Websites

These councils are invaluable resources for organizing efforts and providing the support needed to successfully form a union. To learn more about the CLC in your area, you can search online for “central labor council [your city or state].”

Here is a list of websites for various Central Labor Councils across different states:


New York








In conclusion, CLC stands for Central Labor Council, a cornerstone of the labor movement. These organizations play a crucial role in uniting workers, advocating for their rights, and providing support for unionization efforts.